You're ready to do your own artificial grass install; which is exciting. You've spent a considerable amount of money upfront for something that's going to look great and be maintenance free for years to come. You've done your layout, roll out a large section and think, "man, this is easy!" Then comes lining up the seams. The difference between a finished product that looks like a real yard and just a bunch of carpet pieces laid down is in the seams. Make them disappear and you feel like you've gotten away with something. See the seams and you'll be reminded of your mistakes every day for as long as you have the turf! Below are pictures of the first seam I ever did on my own home and then a recent seam.
Originally I thought I had done a pretty good job but over time, the seam became more and more noticeable.
The second photo is the same style of turf; can you see the seam? Look along the edges to see where there is a transition in turf. Good seams take practice and careful planning. Consider hiring out the installation if you're not sure you have it perfect.
